Dit is werkelijk een unieke workshop. Twee zeer ervaren professionele maskerdocenten geven samen een workshop: Finbarr Ryan en Frans Krom. De workshop wordt georganiseerd door T-work Theater in Postdam/Berlijn. We hebben daar afzonderlijk workshops gegeven maar nu gaan we gezamenlijk aan het werk. In de onderstaande tekst staat meer informatie over de inhoud van de workshop en belangrijk is dat we willen werken met deelnemers die al podiumervaring hebben. De workshop zal worden afgesloten met optredens op het ‘Stadt fur eine nacht festival’ in Potsdam.
Als je wilt meedoen dan graag ook je cv meesturen. Opgave kan door contact op te nemen met het theater:
Hou de facebookpagina in de gaten voor de laatste updates: https://www.facebook.com/events/454910374715486/
Finbarr Ryan:
http://teatermasker.dk/ of https://www.facebook.com/john.f.ryan.5?fref=ts
International Summer Workshop T.Werk. Potsdam/Berlin 2016
The Grotesque mask, part 2.. Dante Reloaded
“If you go through hell keep walking!”
In 2012 we held our first summer workshop at the T-Werk resulting in a hugely successful show performed at the “Stadt für eine Nacht” festival.
In 2016 we return to the subject matter of the Grotesque Mask and pursue the still unanswered questions. Who on earth are we? What’s happening with us? And where the hell are we going?
Grotesque comedy always provided a whole hearty contribution in head-over-heels periods and we think it can certainly add some juicy comments to the contemporary chaos as well. Using Dante´s Divine Comedy as a source book, a group of misfits and fools will follow Virgils journey through hell. During the journey we will work with the structures of the grotesque and its ridiculing and mocking qualities to look for an inferno update.
The workshop is a mix of theory, exercises and improvisations. Besides introducing the main figures of the late Medieval, early Renaissance popular theatre, the fools, charlatans and buffoons, we will work with elements of the Commedia dell´ Arte, Expressive, Larval and Archaic masks. And this time we also have an expert in Balinese masks on board to increase the infernal input.
During the workshop we create a mask show which will be performed twice at the “Stadt für eine Nacht” festival.
Practical Information
International theater center, T-Werk Potsdam from the 07.7.–16.7.2016
Public presentation on Juli 16th 2016 at “Stadt für eine Nacht”
Working Hours everyday from: 10.30- 16.00
Working language: The main working language is English,
Maximum number of participants: 20
à Performance experience and CV required,
Workshop fee: 180 € (reduced* 150 €)
*Reduction is granted upon presentation of proof for: students, trainees, unemployed, disabled and pensioners.
Frans Krom. NL.
After completing his education from the theatre school of Arts in Utrecht. Holland, Frans continued his physical performance studies with Antonio Fava (It.) Serge Poncelet (Fr.) and Jimat (Indonesia.) Frans studied mask-making with Donato Sartori (It) and later Balinese mask-making with Ida Bagus Anom (Indonesia). From his own mask-studio in Amersfoort, Holland, he designs and builds masks for theatre performances, education, art exhibitions and more. Recently Frans organised a series of masks programs for physical performers and theatre directors, exploring the power of movements in dance and theatre. He is currently teaching masks at both the clown-school and the Mime school in Holland.
For more information about Frans, please visit his websitewww.franskrom.nl
Finbarr Ryan,Ir
Studied physical theater and comedy at The Commedia School in Copenhagen from 86 to 88.
After finishing his basic studies, he eventually specialized in 3 main subjects: The Clown with Carl Mazzone-Clementi, Italy,
Commedia_dell’arte with Dario Fo, Italy, and Mask-making with Donato Sartori, Centro Maschere e Strutture Gestuali (Padua).
For over 30 years he has performed in circus, theater, variety, tv, festivals and more. He has directed many productions in Germany, Holland, Denmark and Italy.
As a mask-maker, Finbarr has designed masks for many theater performances, theater Schools and mask teachers through out Europe and Scandinavia.
His main passion is the mask, and its place in contemporary theater. In recent years he has taught course on masks and Commedia at the University of Copenhagen theater department.
Currently he is working on Hamlet for The National Museum at the Shakespeare’s festival 2016 at Hamlets Castle in Elsinore. Denmark.
International Summer Workshop.Potsdam/Berlin The Grotesque mask, part 2.. Dante Reloaded “If you go through hell keep walking!”rnational Summer Workshop.Potsdam/Berlin The Grotesque mask, part
International Summer Workshop.Potsdam/Berlin The Grotesque mask, part 2.. Dante Reloaded “If you go through hell keep walking!” 2.. Dante Reloaded “If you go through hell keep walking!”